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The US Presidential election 2012 has now concluded giving President Barack Obama a second term. This writer had been covering the election astrologically since the summer 2012 with consistent prediction that President Obama was destined to have a second term. The astrological coverages of this writer at different stages of the election were included in the article “US Presidential Election 2012” published on 26 October last (submitted on 21 October) in In this article, a prediction about the closing scenario of the election was additionally made.
The astrological exercise relating to the election which this writer made during the last about six months would be incomplete without statement of facts in relation to predictions made and their confirmation by actual happenings on the ground. It may be argued that the prediction of a second term for President Obama could be guessed as well by a political analyst, not being an astrologer. Rightly argued but the brief statement of facts in relation to predictions made and their confirmation by events being given here in the next paragraph speak volumes that it could be through astrology only.
The first prediction made by this writer about six months back was that President Obama has a clear edge. The accuracy of this prediction has been confirmed by the election results. The second prediction made in the month of August 2012 was that the horoscope of Vice Presidential candidate Joseph Biden suggests a better strengthening effect on President Obama as far as the coming election were concerned. This prediction was proved right when Joseph Biden made a forcefully successful debate with his counterpart Paul Rayan and was rated by media as having infused lifeline into the campaign. The third prediction also made in August, 2012 covered the block voters who would favor the two candidates. This writer had said that “the disadvantaged US citizens in some sense” would favor the block voters for President Obama in the election, though others would also vote for him. Going by media reports, as to the block voters who elected President Obama, it can be said that this part of the prediction has also substantially come accurate. This writer is citing only one source in support of the aforesaid statement of fact though there are numerous. The celebrated daily of the north India, The Tribune, dated November 8, 2012, carried the first news on the front page captioned “Four more years for Obama” adding that minorities and women voters clinch it for Obama. The fourth prediction of this writer was that it is the operative Saturn which has potential to bring Obama to White House again in US Presidential election 2012, though not without struggle. This part of the prediction has also been proved right by the different stages of election when struggle was intense.
The fifth prophesy of this writer was that in astrology, Saturn signifies gas and oil so, besides prosperity through adversity. Here is a catch. Going by media reports, these aspects during election helped President Obama. It is the super storm Sandy which halted Romney’s upcoming scenario and the necessary successful demonstration of leadership by President Obama to face the national crisis, confirmed in US citizens a kind of confidence in him. In short, this part of the prediction has also come right. Above all, this writer had said in the concluding part of the article US Presidential Election 2012:
As said earlier, Saturn is operative for President Obama before and
during election. Saturn signifies darkness symbolically. On the other
hand, the Sun is operative before and during the election for Governor
Romney. The Sun signifies light. Therefore, in the opinion polls which
are not real exact voting, the real exact picture about voting for Obama
may not be coming to surface. In the case of Romney, however, the real
exact seems to be appearing due to light. But when it comes to real
voting on 6 November, real Obama seems to be coming from behind springing a surprise. In conclusion, in the light of astrological discussion,
the planetary posture can be read to mean that on 6 November, Obama
will have an edge by proving some contrary poll estimates wrong.
The election results have proved remarkably the accuracy of this part of the prediction as well.
In conclusion, it can be said that astrology has a definite role in foretelling the future.
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NOT CONVINCED. If you see Obama Sky and Romney one you can’t use Saturn as signature. It is necessary to read the facts, as you cand dot in the very clear file published in India Today edition november 19. Charts showed who really voted for Obama (women, minorities as hispanic, young people 20-30 years old). In this campaign Obama was helped by Clinton, and we can explain reason of his success with women for example. And by economy,Obama had more great electors because his promises to give to these states FUNDS. You should more study i think the facts of this voting, and for that you seem weak. In success like in defeat a debreefying is always useful, to understand the reasons
Yes.. an interesting result indeed.. I also posted at an article at The Mountain Astrologer, at from a ‘horary’ chart I did on the election, clearly showing, the Moon, ie. the people, applying to Obama, & not Romney.. Thanks for the links on the election predictions, I may read a few later..
“And, as for the election, my horary chart, accoring to John Frawley’s Horary Textbook, indicates that the Moon, the people, the Moon in Capricorn, 8th house, is applying to Obama, Saturn in Libra, 6th house, by square, after it applies to oppose Venus in Cancer, 12th house.. with the Moon widely seperating from Romney, by trine, being the Virgo Sun, 4th house.. I hope this is correct”…
Showing that Obama would win more comfortably than the polls or the majoirty of the pundits were predicting, ie. a tight race. Although it was reasonably tight in many states, the overall result was Obama by a comfortable margin indeed.. While astrologer Rose Marcus, also suggested that the much talked about Mercury stationing retrograde on the day of the election may indicate a ‘Re-peat” result of the last election.. With Mercury retrograde also in effect on the day of the 2000 Election.. But was a station direct, with Mercury poised to resume normal forward motion. As so here we had Obama winning by a comfortable margin, almost as emphatically as he won in 2008.. Also with Mercury in Sagittarius, one might say also that his win signifies, the “return of Hope”.. or “Faith”.. ie. Sagittarius. “Hope” of course being the overiding theme or message of his 2008 Victory.. All harking back to Martin Luther Kings’ “I Have A Dream” speech, & the changing face of America under the progressed in Pisces, ie. the sign of compassion & Universal brotherhood.. Obama also being a great orator himself…
While here is the horary chart I drew up on how Obama would go in the 2012 Election.. And, following John Frawley’s Horary Textbook, we go to the 9th house as the Ascendant.. Since I am a foreigner asking who will win the election. ie. I ask, ‘Who wil win?’ Obama is the king of a foreign country: 10th from the 9th = 6th. His enemy is the 7th from the 6th = 12th. Also Obama being Saturn in Libra, ie. in the sign of it’s exaltation, makes him more likely to win.. However, as John says, it is the Moon, the people, of course, who will decide who wins… This exalted Saturn shows who deserves to win, & would only come into play on the outcome, if the Moon was not applying to either candidates planetary ruler.. And, so the Capricorn Moon. applies to Obama, Saturn in Libra, after seperating from Venus in Cancer.. The Moon, the people, is also ruled by Obama, Saturn in Libra!!! And, he did win rather comfortably….
Will Obama Win? Chart, Aug 28, 2012.. at 8am, AEST, Wagga Wagga NSW, Australia.. Ascendant: 6deg07 Libra, MC: 3deg35 Cancer, Moon: 18deg39 Capricorn, 4th house.. While I have a copy of this chart in my blog on Obama winning a second term.. at!/2012/11/obama-is-re-elected-in-2012-what-does.html
It is difficult to find election predictions without some political bias thrown in. I like to see predictions made purely on the analysis of the transits and aspects only, not based on correlating those aspects with some perceived political ability or emotions. For example: Obama showing leadership with regards to Sandy. This is pure fantasy. Obama made one appearance, said a few words, and was never seen again. Residents of NJ and other states are still without power and basic needs fulfilled. Obama’s leadership presence and the government’s response to Sandy was even less than Bush’s on Katrina. The media of course, will not portray it as such. Same goes for Obama’s reputed oratory style. Without a teleprompter, he has zero oratory skills. This was evident in spades during the first Presidential debate. But none of this matters. What matters is how the planets favored or did not favor a particular individual during this election. If the planets favored Obama, then so be it. But don’t interject some political fantasy in HOW this physically manifested itself. There are a hundred ways and reasons in why some people voted for Obama, or did not. The electoral process also plays a part, as well as media coverage, in which services such as MSNBC did not print a single negative thing about Obama while hammering Romney repeatedly. This all plays a part, but cannot be positively identified as the result of a specific planetary transit or aspect. All that can be positively identified is that Obama had x-number of positive aspects, and Romney did not, and one out-weighed the other. Ditto Biden vs Ryan.
Astro vasthulogam predicted on jun 25th 2012,facebook(astro vasthulogam) about Barack Obama’s election and result.vasthulogam prediction come true..based on obama’s natal chart.last prediction about Harper (canadian pm) that result also come true..quiet nice predictions..he did some other prediction too…