Bad, Bad Pluto

April 7th, 2013

Pluto has a reputation for being a destroyer. He likes to tear things down and force you to start over. He does rule Scorpio after all, and rules total transformations and the phoenix rising from the ashes. He’s the most powerful planet and he’ll eat you for lunch if he wants to.

Some of the most difficult, if not the most difficult, transit aspects that you can experience are from Pluto. Pluto in the second house is an important one. The second house rules your security, and when Pluto goes through this house, he’ll wipe away anything that you’ve been keeping for security that isn’t actually good for you. On the surface, it’s devastating, and you feel like your world has ripped apart and you can’t stand on steady ground anymore. Underneath, a transformation is occurring that forces you to find more security within yourself, to find confidence and strength you never thought you could have, and to know what really means something to you. Since this is a transit through a house, it can last for many years, a decade or more. When it starts, it seems like you lose everything. By the time it ends, you’ll likely be a whole new person, closer to the person you should be and truly are.

Pluto in hard aspect to your natal Moon is another doozey. When Pluto touches a natal planet, its impact lasts for three years, which is much shorter than when Pluto transits a house, but has no less impact. All that means is he packs more of a punch in a shorter span of time. Your Moon rules your emotions, and most importantly with this aspect, what you need to feel emotionally secure. There’s that word again. This is why Pluto transits to the second house and the Moon are usually so difficult. Without security, it’s hard to function, and with the Moon, it can cause you to lose control emotionally. If you have any emotional issues at all, no matter how small or how much you’ve shoved them away and pretended you were fine, Pluto will find them wherever they are and exploit them. You can’t escape your demons when Pluto wants you to face them.

Pluto in hard aspect to your natal Sun can also be a hard pill to swallow. The Sun rules you, so it tends to be focused on YOU. You become obsessive to the nth degree, you get stuck in the deepest and darkest parts of yourself, you’re out for blood – all the darker side of Pluto. You undergo a total transformation, somehow, some way, and there’s no getting around the changes. The more you resist, the more Pluto will destroy to force you to bend to his will.

You can experience some issues with Pluto in hard aspect to your natal Mercury, but because Mercury rules your mind, you can find outlets for the energy. With the Sun, Moon, and second house, it’s more difficult to channel the energy into something positive, though certainly not impossible. I know this because I’ve experienced all of these aspects for myself. With Pluto in the second house and in hard aspect to my Moon, I hadn’t studied astrology yet, so I felt the full brunt of it because I wasn’t prepared. By the time I felt Pluto in hard aspect to my Sun and Mercury, I’d seen them ahead of time and prepared. As a result, the damage was minimal, and I actually was able to learn so much more about myself and grow in ways I wouldn’t have otherwise. So despite Pluto’s scary dark side, there’s an incredible bright side too.

3 Responses to “Bad, Bad Pluto”

  1. Mary Valby on April 8, 2013 2:02 pm

    Thanks for the positive spin on Pluto, Nic. The Quotable Scorpio book includes “Personal Metamorphosis” as one of six Scorpio Talents. Quotes from more than 20 famous Scorpios and 6 celebrity examples try to demonstrate the positive benefits of Pluto-fueled transformation. Gone With the Wind, written by Scorpio Margaret Mitchell (born 11/8/1900) and starring Scorpio actress Vivien Leigh (born 11/5/1913)carries the Scorpio themes of obsession, irrevocable endings, and an ultimate prospect of change. “After all, tomorrow is another day,” said Scarlett O’Hara, epitomizing the bright side of Plutonian evolution.

  2. Victoria on April 14, 2013 8:41 pm

    I was lucky to have pluto trine or sextile almost everything in my chart, but its at a critical degree and is retrograde :p

  3. Lara on June 23, 2013 4:03 am

    Amen! I am currently experiencing Pluto sq Pluto and Uranus opp Pluto so I can attest to the punch that Pluto packs. Sigh…I am going start a countdown til this over; I am halfway through.

    Thank you for posting and helping me keep this in perspective!

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