Being a Libra – The Astrology of Vacillation

November 2nd, 2012

Libra the Scales, from Guido Bonatti Liber Astronomiae

I’m a Libra sun sign, and we’re known for being compromising, fair, graceful, and charming. Sure, I can be those things sometimes, but the trait that probably sticks out as most Libran with me is being indecisive. I can’t make a decision to save my life sometimes. There have been moments where I was presented with a choice between two options, and I literally threw up my hands and screamed.

In my head, it’s like ping pong, and I bounce from one side to the other and back and forth and back and forth. I weigh my options and think them to death. I pull them apart, put them back together, and pull them apart again. It’s maddening.

They say it’s a part of wanting to be fair. I believe that’s true, to an extent. I always want to make sure I make the right choice for myself without causing injury to anyone else. I know I hate it when other people’s bad or selfish decisions have a negative impact on me, the innocent bystander. It’s not fair. That makes you think a lot about the decision that you’re making.

Libra is an air sign, and that factors in as well. We think, and think, and think some more, and just when you think we can’t possibly have anything left to think about, we find a microscopic crumb to think over for a few hours more. This overactive brain that we air signs are born with contributes to the vacillation we Librans suffer from. We’re so concerned with being fair, and we think it over forever.

We also lack the impulsivity of the fire signs, so we can’t just jump into a decision right away. We lack the ability to stick with something once we make a decision like earth signs do, so even once we’ve decided on something, we second-guess ourselves and take it back. And we lack the intuition of the water signs, so we can’t just go with our gut either.

As for the other air signs, Gemini is a mutable sign and too scatterbrained to think about anything for so long that they can never make a decision. Usually, when they have a hard time making a decision, it’s because they moved on to thinking about something else. Force them to stick to that one thought, and they’ll make a decision. Aquarius is a fixed sign, so they can stick with their thoughts for some time, but because they have the ability to step back and see the world as a whole, they’re not as concerned with fairness on an individual scale. For them, it’s all about the universal, while us Libras are concerned with one person at a time.

The solution should be in our cardinal quality, and we should learn to take charge with our decisions. But we’re charming and want everyone to like us, so we don’t.

Vacillation is the bane of our existence, Libras, but it can be a part of our charm. We’re such a lovely sign that people can get intimidated by our lack of flaws. This glaring one helps us seem more human. Or more ridiculous. Or more human. Or more ridiculous. Eh, I’ll decide later.

4 Responses to “Being a Libra – The Astrology of Vacillation”

  1. Rajarshi on November 7, 2012 11:35 am

    LIBRA SUN: Another important quality of Libra Sun is that they are peace loving, in fact they are too much peace loving. As a result, sometime they are willing to accept wrong things/doings to get peace.

    Libra as a moveable air sign has lot of movements/energy and it may be termed as outer atmosphere (moveable air) compared to Cancer which represents ocean (moveable water).

    Libra Sun people has high observational power and can come to correct judgment though it may take some time. As the sign is influenced by Venus, they care/indulge for beauty.

  2. Jules299 on November 9, 2012 3:55 pm

    Oh Nic , you nailed it! ‘…we find a microscopic crumb to think over for a few hours more’. Laughed uproariously! It’s me, to a tee….on the other hand , I’m Aquarius rising, and….

  3. Jules299 on November 9, 2012 4:04 pm

    Oh and Rajarshi , – yes, accepting ‘wrong things’ – so true my friend. Certainly at times for me – too many times – and something I’m working on -i.e. how to strike that balance…..?!( Is that possible?) Thanks, both, for the insightful thoughts.

  4. Kim on November 30, 2012 4:35 pm

    After reading this article, something sounded so familiar to me…I realized I have Jupiter in Libra (11th) sesquiquadrate Mars in Gemini (7th)(conjunct Venus). My kids and husband (and myself) do not like to go to the store with me, and I really do think everything to death and then some!! and then I want to change my mind after I thought I knew what my decision was, as well as others decisions! Honestly, how do ppl live with me?!

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