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Martina Navratilova, also known as Martine Suberlova, has been a former world number one women’s tennis player. It would be interesting to analyse her natal horoscope to know outstanding planetary of support she had for a phenomenal rise to the world number one women’s tennis.
As per her birth time details available in the public domain, Martina was born at 16 : 40 hours on 18 October, 1956 at Prague, Czechoslovakia. Based on these birth time details, her natal horoscope has been cast with sign Pisces of sidereal zodiac having 21 degrees and 16 minutes in the ascendant. The said horoscope may be viewed at the bottom of this article.
Here this writer is confining the analysis to one aspect of Martine Navratilova’s life – the signs of the zodiac and planets which catapulted her to world number one position in women’s tennis.
As said earlier in this article, sign Pisces of the sidereal zodiac rises in the ascendant. Planet Jupiter owns signs Pisces and Sagittarius which have, in the chart being analysed, occupied houses 1 and 10 from the Ascendant. These signs have gained strength as well. Their owner Jupiter in strength is occupying sign Leo, which is shining well. The house occupied by Jupiter is 6th reckoned from ascendant. It is a common knowledge that 6th signifies enemies, opponents, struggle, physical ailments and debts. Relevant to the case in hand, 6th house mainly relates to competition. Ascendant lord Jupiter in 6th house would be an uphill task. But, then there are brightening planetary influences. Sign Leo owned by the Sun is shining well. The lord of ascendant and 10th house, Jupiter, is occupying the said sign Leo. Mars, though in 12th house from the ascendant, is working very well with Jupiter due to exchange of mutual aspect. A link of self and profession with destiny is established. Mars is promoting professional aspects, as best as it can, with its martial quality of valour. To put it in simple words, it is a combination of wisdom and valour.
In any competition and more so, in tennis, a quick or momentary decision is required to be taken. Obviously, this would call for a high poise of mind with right decision. It would be noted that the Moon is near full in a friendly sign, Pisces in the ascendant. Mercury is in its exaltation sign, Virgo in 7th house counted from the ascendant, establishing a link with the Moon due to mutual aspect between the two. These planetary postures suggest a mental poise and precisely accurate decision making power for master strokes. The readers would find aforesaid planetary discussion in the natal chart of Navratilova self explanatory for purpose of the topic in hand.
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