Joyful Time for Bollywood and Hollywood

October 12th, 2012

The ongoing economic slump word-wide is worrying the common man and the industry alike. Obviously, the Bollywood and Hollywood industry cannot be immune to such a worry. They are looking for joyful times when their films can record impressive success at the box office and thereby earn good money for them.

Venus is a planet of pleasure, romance and entertainment. Since films are woven round the appealing music and catchy dialogues, the sign Gemini also comes to focus. It may be mentioned here that sign Gemini also denotes entertainment through music and catchy dialogues. In this sense, the owner of sign Gemini, Mercury cannot be ignored. Above all, no enterprise or production is without intention to net financial gains. As such, Jupiter has an essential role to play. From the above, it can be said that Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and sign Gemini would determine whether the planetary potential for films is favourable or not.

Planetary positions mentioned here are as per sidereal zodiac followed in Vedic astrology. To be more precise, planetary positions as per Vedic astrology become available when about 23 degrees and 56 minutes applicable for the year 2012 are deducted from corresponding planetary position as per tropical zodiac.

Two periods have been identified as joyful for Bollywood and Hollywood as mentioned here:

  1. First half of November, 2012.

  2. A period of a month from 15 December, 2012 to 14 January, 2013.

Jupiter is passing through sign Taurus of sidereal zodiac in retrograde motion from 4 October, 2012 onwards. It would establish a link with Venus in sign Virgo from 24 October, 2012 through its 5th house aspect. In other words, the link between the two planets would be in trine position in earthly signs Taurus and Virgo. Mercury, owning the sign Virgo, would enter sign Scorpio on 24 October, 2012 and would remain there till 18 November, having mutual 7th house aspect with Jupiter. Since Venus and Mercury relate to trade in film industry, the first half of the month of November this year could be joyful for that industry.

Similar period of joy for Bollywood and Hollywood would become available from 15 December, 2012 to 14 January, 2013, when Venus would be passing through signs Scorpio and Sagittarius, establishing a link with Jupiter in retrograde motion. Since sign Scorpio owned by Mars is involved, such films as have martial arts or martial themes could do much better.

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