Personal Planets at Critical Degrees

September 27th, 2014

In astrology, there are specific degrees called critical degrees. These degrees are called critical because their energy is just that, critical. When you have a planet in your chart at a critical degree, that planet has extra importance, and requires more work and attention on your part. Just because they’re critical doesn’t mean it’s always and forever going to be difficult, but you do have to work at it. When you can harness the energy, your critical planet can be a source of strength.

Personal planets in particular get a lot of focus when critical. The personal planets are Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, and they show your personality. Since they’re closest to who you are, having one of them critical has a direct impact on your personality.

The critical degrees are:
0, 13, and 26 of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
8-9, 21-22 of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
4 and 17 of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Critical Personal Planets:

Natal Sun: You work and try as hard as you can, but things just don’t seem to work out quite the way you want them to. Even if they do, you don’t feel quite right about it. You can believe in yourself too much at times, and need to keep from being too arrogant. When you can learn to be humble and use your abilities for others, and not just yourself, you can do great things.

Natal Moon: You have a strong intuition, but you don’t listen to it as much as you should. You never know what you should do because you ignore the thing that is trying to guide you. You’re sensitive emotionally and can be irrational at times, and let your emotions get the better of you, giving in to the worst of your emotional self. You have to learn to control your emotions, channel your emotional energy, and trust your instincts.

Natal Mercury: You can get along well with others, but you’re not really one of them, or at least you don’t feel you are. There could be learning issues when young, but it usually seems like you have a problem even when you don’t actually have one. You need to value your own opinions and not put other people’s above yours every time, and embrace your ability to accept everyone.

Natal Venus: You try to look at the bright side, but nothing seems to go as well as you hope. You can let your impatience get the better of you, and have difficulty with self-control. You should remember that you have to give as much as you get, exercise patience when it’s necessary, and let out your inner child when you can, especially through creative outlets.

Natal Mars: Your energy, strength, and will can be great, but you have to actually force yourself to move, which is difficult. You have a hard time getting yourself out of bad situations, and lack grace under fire. You need to be more assertive when making decisions. If you can be more courageous and have belief in yourself, you can be a great defender of others.

One Response to “Personal Planets at Critical Degrees”

  1. David"Woody"Adam on September 28, 2014 2:59 am

    I’ve got Uranuus @ 17 degrees Gemini Retrograde..Any insight.?…amd,Gr8 articles/good writing….Warm Regards Nic

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