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People look at the new year with hope of fulfillment of their unrealized dreams. Astrology is one branch of knowledge employed here and there to address the said hope. This writer is also making the same attempt here for UK in the next year 2014 by using the following mechanism known in Vedic astrology :-
Sign Virgo of sidereal zodiac rising in the ascendant for 0 hour on 1 January 1801 at Westminster when the Great Britain and Ireland joined to form one nation. In view of this, sign Virgo is being treated as the ruling sign or sign of destiny of UK.
The lunar year 2014 commences at 0.15 A.M. (Indian Standard Time) on 31 march, 2014 and extends to 20 March, 2015. Based on the corresponding time at London, the chart with sign Virgo of sidereal zodiac rising in the ascendant may be visited at figure ‘X’ of this article. Readers may like to know that longitudes of planets as per sidereal zodiac become available if a factor known as ‘Ayanamsa’ in Vedic astrology is subtracted from longitudes as per tropical zodiac. The said factor increases marginally with the passage of time. For purpose of chart in figure ‘X’ here, the factor of subtraction applicable is 24 degrees and 3 minutes.
The analysis of the chart discloses a notable astrological feature in that Virgo, the ruling sign or sign of destiny of UK, also happens to be the ruling sign in the lunar year 2014 chart. The feature can be read to reflect emphasis in the planetary potential. Mars is inharmoniously placed in the ascendant, and the ascendant lord, Mercury, has occupied house 6 counted from ascendant. Saturn, the owner of houses 5 and 6 from ascendant, has gone to house 2 from ascendant in the company of Rahu, the North Node of the Moon. The sign mainly involved for influences from the aforesaid astrological phenomena is Virgo suggesting requirement of endeavors to resolve issues relating to past and present. Sign Virgo also denotes commerce, trade , education, and apposing trends. The planets Mars, Saturn and Rahu influencing the ruling sign Virgo in the ascendant are also connected with houses 2, 6 and 10, pointing to economy and work-field. Having regard to the nature of the houses as well as the planets in the focus, it can be said that trade, commerce and economy of UK during the year 2014 seem to be a cause of concern. Problems or issues relating to labor class and unemployed class may call for more attention of all concerned. There may perhaps arise a need to have a second look at expenses on life style. In short, these concerns may call for a well-orchestrated policy of control. There is another area which may perhaps necessitate a rethinking —deployment of UK troops.
Mercury is said to be a messenger also. The planetary suggestion reaches out to postal department, courier service, internet, print as well as electronic media, air service and road transport. Policies relating to these areas of life could also come up for a closer look. The months of June to August, 2014 are relevant, when Rahu, the North Node of the Moon, would also have receded to ruling sign Virgo on 15 July, 2014 to impact national affairs of UK.
There are indications of silver lining as well from planetary influences. Jupiter would be in sign Gemini in house 10 from the ascendant in trine to ascendant lord, Mercury. Further, when Jupiter moves to the next sign of its exaltation on 18 June, 2014, it will be trine to the Moon in chart ‘X’. Thus, Jupiter would afford positive influences to neutralize, as far as possible, the unwelcome influences. To sum up, the year 2014 for UK suggests a mixed year, calling for a well-orchestrated policy both on some of the key domestic and foreign affairs.
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