Stones and the Air Signs

June 12th, 2013

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Stones each have different metaphysical meanings, and different stones are good for different purposes. Once you find the stone that best represents what you’re looking for, you can make it an amulet by wearing it every day for seven days for at least 20 minutes each day. While wearing it, do things that symbolize the energy you want the stone to have. Afterward, you can wear the stone whenever you need the energy. Here are some stones associated with each of the air signs.

Gemini begins in late May and lasts through the middle of June. Emerald is both the modern and traditional birthstone for the month of May, a stone of healing and balance. The traditional birthstone for the month of June is alexandrite, a stone of prophecy and good luck, and the modern birthstone for the month of June is pearl, a stone of focus and integrity. Goshenite and bixbite can protect Geminis, while citrine and crystal quartz give you confidence so you can overcome your anxiousness. Celestite calms Gemini, and tourmaline heals you. Howlite helps quell your anxiety and strengthens your positive personality and character traits. Agate strengthens your willpower so you’re not going with what others want so much, and carnelian helps you enjoy and embrace life as the social sign you are. Amber helps Gemini achieve success. Unakite helps keep you from letting your anxiety and overactive mind lead to depression, self-pity, and self-doubt.

Libra begins in late September and lasts through the middle of October. Sapphire is both the modern and traditional birthstone for the month of September, a powerful stone of healing, wisdom, and destiny. Tourmaline is the traditional birthstone for the month of October, a healing stone, and opal is the modern birthstone for the month of October, a stone of emotional freedom and originality. Jade is quite often associated with the sign of Libra, a stone of renewal. It can be good luck for Libras to wear jade, and helps you create the balance and harmony you crave in life. Sugilite helps with self-control, and phrenite helps you figure out which way to go, which is very helpful if vacillation is a problem for you. Kyanite helps you come up with new ideas and aquamarine can warn you of danger.

Aquarius begins in late January and lasts through the middle of February. Emerald is the traditional birthstone for the month of January, a stone of healing and balance, and garnet is the modern birthstone for the month of January, a stone of purification. Amethyst is both the modern and traditional birthstone for the month of February, a stone that helps clear your subconscious and conscious mind so you have clarity and focus. Amazonite increases vitality, and albite breeds courage. Ammonite helps you see the bigger picture which is always on the mind of future-centric Aquarius. Sugilite helps with self-control, aquamarine with friendships, and labradorite with creativity. Flourite allows you to tone down your rebelliousness and do what’s required of you so you can handle your responsibilities.

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