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In astrology, there are specific things called aspects, which are set angles between two points in your chart. As you study them, you find that aspects are often described as either positive or negative. You go on, evaluating your natal chart and transit aspects with that in mind. I have Sun trine Jupiter? How positive! I’ll always be blessed with wonderful luck and prosperity. I have Moon square Uranus? How negative! I’ll always be cursed with emotional instability.
I can’t begin to express how much I don’t like the positive or negative associations with aspects. The reality is that each aspect has potential positive AND negative interpretations. The most positive of aspects can manifest negatively, and the most negative of aspects can manifest positively.
Each aspect has a high (positive) and low (negative) vibration. Because of this, you can squander any positive aspect and make any negative aspect work for you. This is one of those areas where free will comes into play, and you decide the outcome.
So why are aspects considered to be either positive or negative? When you study the aspects, you’ll find that the aspects that are deemed positive are the ones that have the easiest energy to manipulate. When you try to make good things happen, you encounter less resistance and go forward freely. The aspects that are deemed negative have energy that is difficult or challenging to manipulate however you want. If you want to make good things happen, you have to fight it hard. The positive aspects require little work, while the negative aspects require a lot of work. Since most humans aren’t fond of work, we view the aspects that require little or none as positive, and the ones that require a great deal as negative.
Another reason negative aspects are called negative is because if you don’t put in that effort, you’ll suffer consequences. With positive aspects, you likely won’t suffer much if you don’t do the work, so the punishment for not working is minimal. The downside of positive aspects is because you don’t need much work, you’re not very motivated, and you can be lazy, indulgent, and entitled. Often, those who have many positive aspects in their natal chart are like this, and don’t do much with their lives. Contrast that with many of the people who have made the biggest differences in the world, and many of them had charts that would seem quite negative. The energy of the negative aspects tends to be bigger, so if you accept the challenge, you can use that energy for greatness.
When you see what transit aspects you have coming up, try not to see them as either positive or negative. Think little effort and lots of effort, and ready yourself either way. When you look at your natal chart and evaluate the aspects there, remember that no matter what negative aspects you have, you can make them manifest in positive ways if you approach them in the right way. Whether or not you do is entirely your own choice. Choose wisely.
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