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Transit of a planet denotes its passage at a particular time through zodiac of 360 degrees having 12 signs, each sign being of 30 degrees. The passage of a planet has past, present and future because its movement is an ever continuing process. The planet talked about here is any of the nine planets recognized in Vedic astrology — Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Mercury, the Moon and Rahu-Ketu (Nodes of the Moon). In the Western astrology Uranus, Pluto and Herchel are recognized as additional planets influencing the Earth, Rahu-Ketu being excluded.
When ascendant for a given time and place is worked out and the transiting planets are placed in their signs, the resulting figure is known as horoscope, also known as chart. But the transiting planets do not remain at one place. They keep on moving. Therefore, if transit of a planet in the zodiac has to be read at a later date or time, the planet would be in a different sign in the horoscope because planets keep on moving in the zodiac.
Three vital signs in a horoscope invite the focus of attention. These are the signs occupied by ascendant, Sun and the Moon. Movement of planets from time to time in different signs counted from the aforesaid three permanent signs became available as per above mentioned principle, exerts influences on affairs of nations as well as those of individuals. But in Western system, the Sun sign, mostly tropical, is said to be playing central role in reading the planetary influences. Vedic astrology, however, recognizes the sidereal position of Moon in a horoscope to be central for analyzing the effects of transiting planets.
There are more than one reasons for accepting the influence of movement of planets reckoned from the Moon as central. It is universally known cosmic fact that the Sun is the source of celestial energy or influence for the Earth. But the Sun is very far whereas the Moon is nearer to the Earth. The Sun passes on half the celestial energy to the Moon. Other planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Rahu-Ketu transmit the said celestial influence from the Moon to the Earth. Obviously, the fact of positioning of planets from the Moon is the central. In other words, the transit of planets with reference to the natal Moon plays very important role in causing planetary influences on the Earth. The natal Moon is taken because destiny of present incarnation commences with the birth and ends with the death. It would be interesting to know through practical example as to how the planetary influences are counted from the natal Moon.
Person “A” has his birth time horoscope with Aries ascendant and the Moon in sign cancer. In this case, cancer sign would be the Moon sign, also known as natal Moon. Now, as and when a need is felt to look into the ever moving planets including the Moon from the natal Moon sign, their movement would be reckoned from sign cancer being the natal Moon. Even the current Moon would be similarly counted from natal Moon. For example, the Moon at the moment is in sign Virgo. Then it would be in 3rd place reckoned from the natal Moon, which is sign cancer. Similarly, if Saturn is passing through sign Libra, it would be in 4th place from the natal Moon in cancer. And this is the way rest of the planets would be counted. As to the influences generated by planets during their passage through zodiac from the natal Mon, a separate article will come up in near future.
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An excellent program for studying the transits that planets make to the planets in the natal chart is called ‘Planetary Aspects and Transits’ (google that for the URL). It supports both the tropical and sidereal zodiacs, so can be used by both Vedic and Western astrologers.