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US Presidential Election 2012 is not many days away. The race to the White House has gained momentum. Both the Democrats and Republicans are leaving no stone unturned to capture the White House. While political analysts are busy every now and then demonstrating their skills to make a plausible forecast, astrologers are also not lagging behind. In this connection, it would be interesting to know as to what the astrology has to say on the outcome of the coming election.
The following articles of this writer on the US presidential Election 2012 have been published so far:
Next US Presidential astrologically: A Vedic Perspective
This article was published in the summer 2012 issue of the Astrologer’s Notebook from North Port, Florida, in which the natal horoscopes of both President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney were analyzed to draw a comparison of the planetary potential for both. The conclusion reached was like this: While planetary potential for both in relation to election in November, 2012 is equally strong, yet for astrological reasons recorded in the said article, President Obama has clear edge.
Astrological Indications of Potential Voters for President Obama and Governor Romney
This article was published in the August, 2012 issue of monthly Newsletter “News from Astro” of Astro Computing Services. On the basis of leading planets operating before and during election both for Obama and Romney, it was opined that Saturn would help Obama while the Sun for Romney. In this light, the planetary potential was codified to say that disadvantaged US citizens in some sense would constitute block voters for Obama, though others would also support him. As regards Romney, the planetary suggestion was read to say that elite class would constitute block voters for him. Going by media reports which came much after the publication of the article, it can be understood that the prediction has come substantially accurate.
US presidential Election 2012 Astrologically
This article was published on 18 August, 2012 in a blog owned by a world famous astrologer from Italy. Briefly speaking, horoscopes of Joseph Biden and Paul Rayan, the Vice Presidential candidates chosen respectively by Obama and Romney, were analyzed astrologically. It was concluded that the planetary potential of Joseph Biden seems to have an edge and better invigorating harmony with Obama. This prediction has been confirmed during the recent debate between Biden and Rayan. The Guardian of UK wrote: “Biden lifts Democrat hopes with forceful VP debate performance”
This writer had an opportunity to go through a news items by Rich Newman titled “Obamanometer: Economy Giving Obama a Sustained Lift” published in US News on 19 October, 2012. The news item read as “Falling gas prices and a rising stock market are helping the President”. This opinion further confirms this writer’s analysis that it is the operative Saturn which has potential to bring Obama to White House again in US Presidential election 2012, though not without struggle. In astrology, Saturn signifies gas and oil also, besides prosperity through adversity.
As said earlier here, Saturn is operative for President Obama before and during election. Saturn signifies darkness symbolically. On the other hand, the Sun is operative before and during the election for Governor Romney. The Sun signifies light. Therefore, in the opinion polls which are not real exact voting, the real exact picture about voting for Obama may not be coming to surface. In the case of Romney, however, the real exact seems to be appearing due to light. But when it comes to real voting on 6 November, real Obama seems to be coming from behind springing a surprise. In conclusion, in the light of astrological discussion, the planetary posture can be read to mean that on 6 November, Obama will have an edge by proving some contrary poll estimates wrong.
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[…] “US Presidential Election 2012” published on 26 October last (submitted on 21 October) in In this article, a prediction about the closing scenario of the election was additionally […]