Why I Use Relocation Charts

December 7th, 2012

I’m a strange astrologer in that I predominantly use relocation charts when it comes to making predictions for people. I came across relocation charts after moving from Connecticut to Florida. When I moved, I was keeping track of my aspects, and nothing that was happening in my life was syncing up with them. Events were happening sooner than I was seeing in my chart. As I was still new to astrology, it was a head-scratcher to me, until I read about relocation charts.

A relocation chart uses all of the same birth data as your natal chart, and adds one extra component: your current place of residence. This one extra piece of data changes the houses in your relocation chart so they’re different from your natal chart.

Depending on how far away you live from the town you were born in, it could be a small change of just minutes or a degree or two, or a larger change of complete signs. Even the smaller changes make a big difference when it comes to prediction. For example, in my relocation chart, I found that my 1st/7th, 2nd/8th, and 3rd/9th houses were each 3 degrees earlier than in my natal chart. That seems small, but it made a difference. The faster moving planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) were entering these houses one to several days before I’d originally thought, which was throwing off my predictions. With the slower moving planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto), that small 3 degree change meant a difference of a week to a year. The changes to my 4th/10th, 5th/11th, and 6th/12th houses were larger, being 8, 9, and 7 degrees earlier than in my natal chart, respectively. When I moved,

Neptune was in my 3rd house in Connecticut, but jumped into my 4th house right away. If I’d stayed in Connecticut, it would’ve been two more years before that happened. And these changes happened with my moving within the same country and same time zone, so they could have been even bigger.

It not only impacts when the planets enter and exit your houses, but can also impact your house rulers. None of my houses changed signs, but if that happens, your house gets an entirely new planetary ruler, and is impacted by aspects made to an entirely different planet.

Once I found relocation charts and it made so much sense for me, I decided to try it on other people, and it continued to work. Where it doesn’t have as much impact is on your personality; you’re always your natal chart, and over time, you’ll absorb some of your relocation chart into your personality (usually a period of 1 ½ – 3 years of living in the new place), but how much you play up the relocation chart in your personality versus your natal chart varies from person to person. But predictively, your relocation chart takes over as soon as you move.

It’s my belief that predictive astrology needs to take into consideration your current life because it’s the current conditions that you’re living under that dictate what will come next for you. I think this is why relocation charts work. Whenever you work with returns or progressions, you always take the current location into consideration, even if you’re only there for that exact moment (in the case of returns). Why shouldn’t relocation charts work using your current location as well?

Natal Chart (click to enlarge)

Relocation Chart (click to enlarge)









3 Responses to “Why I Use Relocation Charts”

  1. Rajarshi on December 13, 2012 8:56 am

    This is important piece of information,however, I stayed in Southern hemisphere for about 14 years though originally born in India ( Northern Hemisphere) and in crisis situation decisions taken on Natal Chart ( Vedic) with Vimsottari dasa ( 120 years of life cycle on the basis of Moon position in natal chart) was 99.9% correct. In other words,influences on the basis of natal chart was fully operational on me.

    I thank Nic to highlight relocation effects though I am not sure whether the relocation chart with birth particulars will be applicable or the chart at the time of relocation should be considered as additional supplementary chart to Natal Chart.

  2. Rajarshi on December 14, 2012 5:10 am

    While doing the relocation chart, it is important to see that UT ( Universal time or GMT) remains same with natal chart. For change of country UT may differ and it is necessary to cross check that in both charts UT remains same for correct delineation/construction of relocation chart.

  3. Ashok Desai on May 23, 2015 4:41 pm

    I tend to agree with you. I was born in India and relocated to Panama, Los Angeles, and then to South Florida. I was breaking my head why things were not happening as they were supposed to until I read my relocation chart and was able to correlate events to the new chart.

    One question, would you then do Transit charts based on your rely chart or both your natal and rely chart?

    Many thanks.

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