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This writer submitted the article “August 2012 and the world astrologically” in the month of June, 2012 which was published on 4 July, 2012 in the July issue of the monthly magazine, From the Inside Out , from Canton, Michigan, U.S. One of the predictions made therein read as “disputes on account of sea wealth like oil and gas may come to surface strongly”. While predicting the places of occurrence, it was mentioned that most of the Asian countries and few countries of American continent are affected. Going by media reports, the dispute over the islands did come to surface towards the end of July over some area in South Chine Sea between Vietnam and China. Then, it was followed by claims in August over the Islands Japan Government decided to buy from the private Japanese owner. It is reported that the Island could contain valuable gas reserves. The point this writer wants to make is the remarkable accuracy of the astrological prediction published on 4 Jul 2012 and referred to above.
Disputes over the Islands between China and Japan is gaining momentum. There were widespread protests by the people on 16 September in China over the disputed Islands. In this background, it would be interesting to have a look at the ongoing planetary postures to know what do they suggest about the dispute in the near future.
It may be mentioned here that deduction of about 23 degrees and 56 minutes applicable for the year 2012 is required to be made from tropical position of planets to obtain sidereal position.
Saturn, the planet for disputes also, entered the sign Libra of sidereal zodiac on 4 August, 2012 influencing both signs Libra and sign next to it, that is, Scorpio. It is a continuing process for many months more because Saturn would continue its journey through sign Libra till November 2014. Mars also entered sign Libra of sidereal zodiac on 14 August last and is continuing its onward journey. The coming together of Mars and Saturn has meant much. Mars would move over to the next sign Scorpio on coming 28 September, leaving it on 9 November, 2012. Rahu, the ascending node of the Moon, is already camping in sign Scorpio, owned by Mars. Rahu would leave Scorpio on 23 December, 2012.
What is worrisome is the coming of Mars to the vicinity of Rahu in sign Scorpio which is also under the influence of Saturn. Rahu is designated as a shadow planet in Vedic astrology and usually carries out its designs from behind. It has quality of Saturn suggesting that it generally causes worry. Mars is a planet denoting fight and struggle, with the use of force, where necessary. Mars also denotes energy resources like gas, oil and the like. The influences of Saturn, Rahu and Mars are centering on sign Scorpio which is a watery sign. Scorpio sign rules over China and its neighbouring regions and countries during 2012-13. That means the play ground of the fight or dispute could be water with gas or energy resources and players could possibly be China and Japan/Vietnam or any other countries. Piecing the above mentioned indicators together, it can be said that the period from 24 September to 9 November, 2012 is relevant for any possible escalation of the present hostilities. The period from 29 September to 4 October, 2012 has a specific significance in this regard. However, Jupiter in strength would cast 7th house aspect both on Scorpio and Mars, suggesting that if wisdom of restrain prevails, the likelihood of any catastrophic event not taking place is not ruled out.
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