Picking Up the Pieces - Astrology Lessons - Basic Chart Interpretation  ·  December 15, 2024, 19:55 GMT
Right now: Moon at 0°19' Cancer, Sun at 24°21' Sagittarius

Picking Up the Pieces

Astrology Lesson 4 - Basic Chart Interpretation

by Tim Wilson
guest writer

After a person understands how the four sections of the chart are created, it is time to look at the individual pieces of the chart. These individual chart pieces have two layers of different focuses.

Action, Security, and Learning Chart Areas

The first layer of focuses of the chart pieces is Action, Security, and Learning. This pattern of Action, Security, and Learning repeats itself around the chart.

Any pictures in a chart which are located in one of these chart pieces will indicate either Action, Security, or Learning issues, depending on which pieces the pictures are in. If the pictures in the chart are in the Action pieces they indicate focusing on action, if in the Security pieces they indicate focusing on security, and if in the Learning pieces they indicate focusing on continuous learning.

Identity, Physical, Social, and Emotional Chart Areas

The second layer of chart focuses of the chart pieces is Identity, Material, Social, and Emotional. This pattern of Identity, Material, Social, and Emotional repeats itself around the chart.

Pictures which are located in any of these pieces in the chart indicate Identity, Material, Social, and Emotional focuses, depending on which pieces the pictures are in. If the pictures in the chart are in the Identity pieces; the focus is on who a person is and why; if a picture is in the Material pieces, the focus is on finding a way of understanding things directly using the five senses (touch, smell, taste, feel, and sight); if a picture is in the Social pieces, the focus is on the interrelation of one person with another; and if the pictures are in the Emotional pieces, the focus is on how a person feels about another person or situation.

Overlaying Chart Focuses

Now we combine these two layers, placing them on top of each other and create a "combined layer" for each of the three chart pieces in each of the four sections of the chart (i.e, the three chart pieces in the "Beginnings" section, the three chart pieces in the "Development" section, the three chart pieces in the "Achievement" section, and the three chart pieces in the "Maturity" section). The first chart piece in the "Beginnings" section is focused both on "Identity" and "Action." The second chart piece in the "Beginnings" section is focused on both "Material" and "Security." The third chart piece in the "Beginnings" section is focused on both "Social" and "Learning."

The first chart piece in the "Development" section is focused on both "Emotional" and "Action." The second chart piece in the "Development" section is focused on both "Identity" and "Security." The third chart piece in the "Development" section is focused on both "Material" and "Learning."

The first chart piece in the "Achievement" section is focused on both "Social" and "Action." The second chart piece in the "Achievement" section is focused on both "Emotional" and "Security." The third chart piece in the "Achievement" section is focused on both "Identity" and "Learning."

The first chart section in the "Maturity" section is focused on both "Material" and "Action." The second chart section in the "Maturity" section is focused on both "Social" and "Security." The third chart section in the "Maturity" section is focused on both "Emotional" and "Learning."

Keywords Created by Combining Chart Focuses

If all the details above are confusing to follow, forget about them and only remember this: combining two layers of focuses results in an overall combined focus for each of the chart pieces and there is one "keyword" for each combined focus.

"Identity Action" becomes "Being," "Material Security" becomes "Physical," "Social Learning" becomes "Thinking," "Emotional Action" becomes "Home," "Identity Security" becomes "Self-expression," "Material Learning" becomes "Daily Work," "Social Action" becomes "Relationships," "Emotional Security" becomes "Transformation," "Identity Learning," becomes "Expansion," "Material Action" becomes "Duty," "Social Security" becomes "Friends," and "Emotional Learning" becomes "Spiritual" (the graphic above shows how the "keywords" relate to the chart pieces).

So all you need to know for the rest of the astrological lesson are the twelve one word "keywords" listed in the last chart on this page. Write these keywords into the 12 pieces of your chart.

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