Marc Edmund Jones biography, picture, natal chart  ·  December 15, 2024, 13:40 GMT
Right now: Moon at 26°37' Gemini, Sun at 24°05' Sagittarius

Marc Edmund Jones

Marc Edmund Jones astrology chart Marc Edmund Jones was born at 8:37 a.m CST on October 1, 1888 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Marc Edmund Jones natal chart

Marc Edmund Jones biography Marc Edmund Jones was said by Charles Jayne to be "the best teacher of astrology this country ever produced." Indeed, Jones was a tireless practitioner, lecturer, and teacher, an exemplar around the world of living astrology for nearly seventy years. In his old age, many students who came to astrology under his beneficent tutelage had already passed away themselves.

Beyond his acute grasp of theoretical astrology, Marc Edmund Jones was a philosopher of astrology, an occult astrologist who brought esoteric methods of insight and innovative technique to bear upon the field in a way that no one had done before or has done since.

Born in 1888, he spent his youth in Chicago. Marc described his family life as "quiet." He had no memory of his parents talking together and he recalled that his father read most of the time.

His lifelong fascination with structure and pattern revealed itself at an early age. He related in later years that he "constructed an elaborate semaphore system on the back fence with strings running all the way down to the yard and to my room in the house. I would manipulate the strings, and the engineers would salute." He also constructed cardboard railroad systems on the floor of his room, complete with cardboard tracks and trains.

When he was 16, Marc made a lifetime Christian commitment at a Presbyterian church in Chicago. In 1907 he dropped out of high school to go into business. The next years he worked for the Pullman Company, Western Machine and Foundry in California, then Western Electric in Chicago.

In 1913, at the age of 25, Marc resigned from Western Electric and began the study of astrology. He also moved to New York City, the headquarters of the movie industry in those days. He wrote and selled scenarios. In 1916 he become more deeply involved in spiritualistic pursuits as he joined the Rosicrucian Society.

The next years, he wrote articles and deepened the study of astrology and other esoteric sciences, as the Kabbala. In December 1922, he started a series of weekly astrology lessons, later founding the Sabian Assembly.

On some unrecorded date in 1925, Marc drove to Balboa Park in San Diego with psychic Elsie Wheeler, who was then one of his students, and there, during the space of a day, they brought through the now famous Sabian Symbols.

He married Priscilla Kennedy Chandler in 1926. After graduating San Francisco Theological Seminary in 1934, he was ordained as a minister and was installed in a pastorate at Esparto, California.

From 1939, Marc began traveling extensively throughout the United States, speaking on astrology. He wrote thousands of lectures for the Sabian Assembly, published many articles and books, took an active role in the astrologers associations.

Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, 91, left this plane of existence on March 8, 1980, the group and the work his legacy and with this thought: "My personal contribution, of course, is a once-and-for-all matter to serve as groundbreaking or foundational work on which others can build their own characteristic way in their orientation to a world that continues to change as a necessity of its existence."

Marc Edmund Jones picture Marc Edmund Jones picture

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