Paulo Coelho natal chart, biography, picture  ·  December 15, 2024, 13:22 GMT
Right now: Moon at 26°26' Gemini, Sun at 24°04' Sagittarius

Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho astrology chart Paulo Coelho was born on August 24, 1947, at 12:05 am BZ2T, in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Paulo Coelho natal chart

Paulo Coelho biography "Paulo Coelho is not only one of the most widely read, but also one the most influential authors writing today," wrote the Bambi awards in Germany. "His books have had a life-enhancing impact on millions of people" wrote The Times in UK.

To date a sum of 370 translations in 60 languages have been published with sales totalling 65 million copies in 150 countries. For 15 years Paulo Coelho's different titles have made the top places on the bestseller lists around the world. According to Reuters (Oct 8, 2003) Paulo Coelho ranks among the world's three most successful writers.

Paulo Coelho has led an extreme life. Rebelliousness defined his youth. He was a hippie. He wrote popular song lyrics for some of Brazil's famous pop music stars, including Elis Regina and Raul Seixas. Shortly after, he worked as a journalist.

In 1986 Paulo Coelho walked the Road to Santiago, a medieval pilgrim's route between France and Spain. He would later describe this experience in The Pilgrimage, published in 1987. The following year, his second book The Alchemist established his worldwide fame. The book has already achieved the status of a modern classic, universally admired. Considered a timeless story, will enchant and inspire a whole new readers from generations to come.

Other titles include Brida (1990), The Valkyries (1992), Maktub (1994) - a compilation of his daily columns, By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept (1994), The Fifth Mountain (1996), The Manual of the Warrior of Light (1997), Veronika Decides to Die (1998) and The Devil and Miss Prym (2000).

Eleven Minutes, was # 1 in the 2003 annual list of Publishing Trends, which every year establishes which fiction works sell more copies worldwide.

Coelho�s new novel O Zahir reaches the Brazilian bookstores on April 2nd 2005. Few days later the book will appear in Italy, the Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Iran, Portugal, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and France. Within the next 9 months the book will be published in 83 countries in 42 languages throughout the globe.

He is recipient of numerous prestigious international awards. The critics have especially praised his poetic, realistic and philosophical style, and the symbolic language that does not speak to our brains, but to our hearts. He is a member of the prestigious Brazilian Academy of Letters (2002).

In addition to the books, he writes a weekly journalistic columns syndicated throughout the world to several organizations and occasionally, articles on current events. Paulo Coelho has created a newsletter, The Manual On-Line, which has more of 56,000 subscribers.

Paulo Coelho and his wife, Christina Oiticica, are the founders of the Paulo Coelho Institute, which provides support and opportunities for underprivileged members of the Brazilian society, especially children and elderly. He was appointed special advisor to the UNESCO program "Spiritual Convergences and Intercultural Dialogues" and he was appointed board member of the Schwab Foundation for social entrepreneurship. He was the first non-Muslim author to be invited to an exchange of ideas in Iran since the Islamic Revolution of 1979.

Paulo Coelho have the Guinness World Record for most translations (53) of a single title (The Alchemist) signed in one sitting (45 minutes). The record has been attained as a result of an international book signing hold at the Frankfurt Book Fair (2003).

The man behind the author loves reading, travelling, computers, internet, climbing, walking and practicing Kyudo, a form of meditative archery. Every morning, he wakes early and after a two-hour walk he shoots 24 arrows using one of his three bows.

For more information about Paulo Coelho is available on

Paulo Coelho picture Paulo Coelho picture

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