Cazimi in Horary Astrology  ·  December 15, 2024, 12:31 GMT
Right now: Moon at 25°56' Gemini, Sun at 24°02' Sagittarius

Cazimi in Horary Astrology

Theory and Practice

Cazimi or "in the heart of the Sun", is the position of a planet in tight conjunction with the Sun within 17' (minutes of arc). The Sun's radius on the sky is 17'. This planetary position is said to be one of great strength, the planet is fortified by the Sun's rays. Also called "zaminium".

William Lilly, the authority in horary astrology, says of a cazimi planet to be "wonderous strong".

Abu Ma'shar says a planet in cazimi is like "like a man who purifies himself and so lacks strength, but will regain health afterwards".

A contemporary astrologer Nina Holy affirms of a planet in cazimi that the close proximity to the Sun bestows great protection on the planet, a kind of cosmic protective hand.

The horary charts with a planet in cazimi are quite rare, is this happens only a few days per year.

Astrological charts featuring planets in cazimi

Will we get Electronic Funds Transfer and when?

This horary question was posted on website (Christopher Warnock). Question asked on December 25, 2000, 2:55 pm (EST), Washington, D.C. (77w03 38n55). Christopher's words on this question's background: "This question came about because I was assisting my partner, another attorney, with billing his public defender cases. All payments are by electronic funds transfer ("EFT") into his bank account which was suddenly closed without his consent due to his overdrawing the account. A very large EFT transfer from the General Services Administration ("GSA") didn't make it into the account before it was closed and as I asked the question we didn't know where the money was or if we would even get it at all."

Will we get Electronic Funds Transfer and when?

In this chart,the Moon (peregrine, ruler of the 2nd house, querent's money) is separating from Mercury (peregrine, the querent), and there is no applying aspect between the querent's significators (Mercury and the Moon) and the government (10th house, Saturn) or the government's money (turned 2nd house, radix 11th house, Jupiter).

But Mercury (the querent) is cazmi and this is the lucky part. Mercury rules also the turned 4th house from the 2nd, the end of this funds transfer saga. Remember what Abu Ma'shar says: cazimi is "like a man who purifies himself and so lacks strength, but will regain health afterwards". This cazimi dignity helps the positive final outcome.

Jupiter (government's money) is going backwards in this chart. And the first day after its direct station, on January 26, 2001, the money finally arrived.

Is there the possibility of a romantic partnership in the future with the man I am currently in love with?

The question was received on March 31, 7:49:30 am EET, in Targu Mures, Romania (46n34, 24e3).

The questioner tells that she's been having a relationship with a man that she loves for a long time, but they separated in October 2004, because the relationship was marked by major unavailability by him, as he was also involved in another relationship, raising a son with his mother.

Two weeks before asking the question, she met him again, which brought up many feelings, so she asked the question if there was the possibility of a future relationship with this man.

She also told me that she's been doing s lot of spiritual work on herself in order to learn to let go the attachments and other harmful relationship patterns.

romantic partnership in the future

This chart show Venus (ruler of the Ascendant and therefore of the woman asking the question) cazimi in the 12 house of spiritual healing. Actually the entire story incarnates the definition that Abu Ma'shar gave to cazimi: it is "like a man who purifies himself and so lacks strength, but will regain health afterwards".

As this is a relationship question, the charts suggests a 'healing' of this relationship and allows us to answer YES to the horary question.

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Special horary astrology cases
  • Afflicted 7th house
  • Alcyone
  • Algol
  • Antiscia
  • Almuten
  • Arabic Parts
  • Beseiged
  • Cazimi
  • Collection of light
  • Combust
  • Critical degrees
  • Degrees of particular significance
  • Early Ascendant (<3° rising)
  • Eclipse degrees
  • Exaltation degrees
  • Intercepted signs
  • Late Ascendant (>27° rising)
  • Mutual reception
  • Nodal degrees
  • Regulus
  • Retrogradation
  • Spica
  • Saturn Rx in the 1st or 7th
  • Serpentis
  • Sirius
  • Stationary planets
  • Timing
  • Translation of light
  • Vega
  • Via Combusta
  • Vindemiatrix
  • Void of course