Vindemiatrix is Epsilon Virgo, a bright star in in he right wing of the Virgo constellation. Its current position is 10°01' Libra (July 1, 2005).
Influence: According to Ptolemy, it is of the nature of Saturn and Mercury; to Simmonite, of Saturn and Venus, which is probably a misprint; to Wilson and Pearce, of Saturn, Venus and Mercury, and, to Alvidas, of Mercury and Saturn in evil aspect. It gives falsity, disgrace, stealing, wanton folly and often causes its natives to become widows. (Vivian Robson).
Is my husband happy in our marriage?
Question received: April 29, 2005, at 3:52:40 pm EEDT, in Tirgu Mures, Romania (24e33, 46n33)
The 7th house cups, husband's significator is in antiscia with Vindemiatrix allowing a quick diagnostic, that the husband is not happy and possibly hopes in his heart to be separated from his current spouse.
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