The astrology chart for Canada is set for the moment when British colonies in North America united under the British North American Act to become the Dominion of Canada. The Act became effective on July 1, 1867.
There are two possible charts for Canada, one set for 12:00 am, the other one for 12:05 pm:According to "The Canadian Astrology Collection" by John McKay-Clements, published in 1998, the 12:00 midnight time is used because "legal instruments in Canada usually take effect at 00:00 hours on the inception date". Liz Green on uses this time for Canada's astrological chart.
Jul 1, 1867 at, 12:00 am LMT, in Ottawa, ON (75w42, 45n25)
This one is based on an eyewitness account of the offical announcement and celebrations, published in the local Ottawa newspaper the following day. (source: astrologer Rab Wilkie quoted on Robert Couteau's website).
Jul 1, 1867 at, 12:05 pm LMT, in Ottawa, ON (75w42, 45n25)
Canadian astrologers I've talked to say that the midnight chart is more accurate and more descriptibe on Canada and Canadians.
Countries' list
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
| Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | American Samoa | Andorra | Angola |
Anguilla | Antarctica | Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina | Armenia | Aruba |
Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan |
| Bahamas | Bahrain | Bangladesh
| Barbados | Belarus | Belgium | Belize | Benin | Bermuda | Bhutan | Bolivia |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Botswana | Brazil | Brunei | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso |
Burma (Myanmar) | Burundi |
| Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada | Cape Verde | Cayman Islands | Central
African Republic | Chad | Chile | China | Christmas Island | Cocos (Keeling)
Islands | Colombia | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Congo. Republic of the
| Cook Islands | Costa Rica | Cote d'Ivoire | Croatia | Cuba | Cyprus | Czech
Republic |
| Denmark | Djibouti | Dominica | Dominican Republic |
| Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Estonia
| Ethiopia |
| Faroe Islands | Fiji | Finland | France | French Guiana | French
Polynesia |
| Gabon | Gambia, The | Gaza Strip | Georgia | Germany | Ghana |
Gibraltar | Greece | Grenada | Guam | Guatemala | Guernsey | Guinea | Guyana
| Haiti | Honduras | Hong Kong | Hungary |
| Iceland | India | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Ireland | Israel | Italy
| Jamaica | Japan | Jersey | Jordan |
| Kazakhstan | Kenya | Kiribati | Kosovo | Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan |
| Laos | Latvia | Lebanon | Lesotho | Liberia | Libya | Liechtenstein |
Lithuania | Luxembourg |
| Macedonia | Madagascar | Malawi |
Malaysia | Maldives | Mali | Malta | Marshall Islands | Mauritania | Mauritius |
Mexico | Moldova | Monaco | Mongolia | Montenegro | Morocco | Mozambique |
| Namibia | Nepal | Netherland Antilles | Netherlands | New Zealand |
Nicaragua | Niger | Nigeria | Norfolk Island | North Korea | Norway |
| Oman |
| Pakistan | Palestine | Panama | Papua New Guinea | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines |
Poland | Portugal | Puerto Rico |
| Qatar |
| Saint Helena | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Lucia | Saint Vincent and
the Grenadines | Saudi Arabia | Senegal | Serbia | Sierra Leone | Singapore |
Slovakia | Slovenia | Solomon Islands | Somalia | South Africa | South Korea |
Spain | Sri Lanka | Sudan | Suriname | Swaziland | Sweden | Switzerland | Syria
| Taiwan | Tajikistan | Tanzania | Thailand | Togo | Tonga | Trinidad
and Tobago | Tunisia | Turkey | Turkmenistan | Turks and Caicos Islands | Tuvalu
| Uganda | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom | United
States of America | Uruguay | Uzbekistan |
| Vanuatu | Venezuela | Vietnam |
| Wallis and Futuna | West Bank |
| Yemen |