article updated on September 24, 2006
Before a mundane astrology analysis, a sound knowledge of the historical and political facts is required, just as a good natal astrology reading requires a sound knowledge of psychology and some fine spiritual matters.
For this purpose I consulted and a neutral and reliable source, the Wikipedia page on Iran (Persia) and the other pages on history and politics of Iran.
So I learned that the recorded roots of the Iranian people (=Persians) go as far as 3200 BC. This is the people who issued the first declaration of human rights (around 550 BC).
Throughout the time, Persian philosophers, scientists, engineers and historians contributed enormously to technology, science and medicine.
For instance I didn't know that Avicenna, a great medieval physician whose work had a direct impact on the development of medicine in the Renaissance was Persian.
Just point out something that many people might from the Wetern world not know, the Persians (Iranians) are not Arabs, they are totally distinct people.
Reading attentively the text, I learn that the current Shi'a Islamic Iranian state was established in 1501, following a period of flowering of this state. Later this state managed to maintain its sovereignty and was never colonized by the Imperial Russia and the British Empire, making it unique in the region.
In the second half of the 20th century Iran experienced a Britain and USSR invasion during the WWII (1941), a CIA-backed coup that overthrew a democratically elected government (1953) with the reinstating of the Shah, an Islamic revolution (1979), a defensive war with Iraq (1980-1988).
While reading the article I was amazed to find out that although Iraq used chemical weapons against Iran, causing tens of thousands of civilian and military causalities, Iran didn't reciprocate although it also possessed such weapons. This is a remarkable moral stance, which gives some weight to the August 2005 fatwa (=religious proclamation) of Ayatollah Khameini (current religious leader of Iran) that they wouldn't produce or use nuclear weapons.
As for the correct natal horoscope for Iran, I believe that it should be set for May 1501 when Ismail I was proclaimed Shah of Azerbaidjan and later (1502) of entire Iran. I couldn't find the exact date of the proclamation. From what I've read, it seems that May 1501 represents the beginning of the modern state of Shi'a Islamic Republic of Iran.
Some astrologers claim that the current chart for Iran should be set for the return of Ayatollah Khomeini on February 1, 1979, and the start of the current form of government, the Islamic Republic, but this is only a secondary chart, a moment in history. The Islamic Iranian state existed long before that moment.
Others support the chart for the moment the Islamic Republic of Iran was proclaimed: on 1 April 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini proclaimed the birth of the Islamic Republic sometime after two in the afternoon and before three by many accounts.
I'm still in the process of investigating historical sources in order to find out the exact date when Ismail I was proclaimed Shah and I could use any information you could offer. Please contribute to this effort or come up with other ideas or information so that we might have a working natal horoscope for Iran.
In the mean time, here's the chart for the return of Ayatollah Khomeini on February 1, 1979, 9:30 am -03:30, Tehran.
(Source: time.com)
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| Taiwan | Tajikistan | Tanzania | Thailand | Togo | Tonga | Trinidad
and Tobago | Tunisia | Turkey | Turkmenistan | Turks and Caicos Islands | Tuvalu
| Uganda | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom | United
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| Vanuatu | Venezuela | Vietnam |
| Wallis and Futuna | West Bank |
| Yemen |