Germany horoscope · Germany natal chart · Mundane astrology  ·  January 5, 2025, 21:36 GMT
Right now: Moon at 1°29' Aries, Sun at 15°49' Capricorn

Germany - Mundane Astrology

Horoscope of Germany · Germany's natal chart

German Empire (proclamation of William I): January 18, 1871, 1:00 pm LMT, Versailles, France

Germany Even if the proclamation occurred on January 18 in Versailles, the German Empire came into being on January 1, at midnight, in Berlin. The chart for this moment works better for Germany in general and is considered as such and used by the majority of astrologers in Germany (source: Klaus Wessel).


Other important moments for Germany:

Weimar Republic: August 11, 1919 (no time)

Third Reich: January 30, 1933 11:15 CET, Berlin


Federal Republic proclamation 23 May 1949, 4:44 pm CED, Berlin, but actually the constitution came into effect at midnight the next day and the chart for this moment works better.

Federal Republic of Germany

Re-unification of Germany: 3 October 1990, 12:00 am CET, Berlin

(on this day the new "Bundesl�nder" became a part of the Federal Republic) Germany

A few events:

  • December 25, 800 - Carolingian Empire founded by Charlemagne
  • February 27, 1933, 9:14 pm, Berlin - Reichstag Fire
  • June 22, 1941 - Germany starts invading the USSR
  • May 8, 1945 - Germany surrended
  • October 7, 1949 - German Democratic Republic established in the Soviet occupaton zone
  • August 13, 1961 - Building of the Berlin Wall started by East Germany

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| Oman |

| Pakistan | Palestine | Panama | Papua New Guinea | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Puerto Rico |

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| Uganda | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom | United States of America | Uruguay | Uzbekistan |

| Vanuatu | Venezuela | Vietnam |

| Wallis and Futuna | West Bank |

| Yemen |

| Zambia | Zimbabwe |