Astrology signs - scientific studies - scientific literature online research  ·  December 15, 2024, 10:38 GMT
Right now: Moon at 24°49' Gemini, Sun at 23°57' Sagittarius

Astrology - signs - scientific studies

Scientific literature online research

I have performed an online search on PubMed - National Library of Medicine - looking for scientific papers on astrology. Below is a selection of abstracts of scientific papers demonstrating that the science can bring evidences on the value and reality of astrology.

Astrological birth signs in suicide

Article: "Astrological birth signs in suicide: hypothesis or speculation?" published in Med Sci Law. 2003 Apr;43(2):111-4
by Salib E. - Liverpool University Consultant Psychiatrist, Hollins Park Hospital, Warrington.

The literature has neglected astrological signs as a possible predictor of suicide ideation. To see whether astrological birth signs are associated with suicide and the method used, data was collected from the Public Health Department in North Cheshire representing all the Cheshire Coroner's verdicts of suicide, and open verdicts, in all deceased aged 60 and above between 1989 and 2000. The observed occurrence of deaths due to natural causes, and suicide, in relation to birth signs did not differ significantly from what would be expected from chance. However, the distribution of suicide by hanging appeared significantly higher in those with a birth sign of Virgo and lowest in Sagittarius and Scorpio. The distribution of violent and non-violent suicides in relation to star signs showed higher occurences of violent death in persons born in the summer months.

Sun and Moon signs of World Cup '98 soccer players

Article: "World cup soccer players tend to be born with sun and moon in adjacent zodiacal signs" published in Br J Sports Med. 2000 Dec;34(6):465-6
by Verhulst J. - Louis Bolk Institute, Driebergen, The Netherlands

The ecliptic elongation of the moon with respect to the sun does not show uniform distribution on the birth dates of the 704 soccer players selected for the 1998 World Cup. However, a uniform distribution is expected on astronomical grounds. The World Cup players show a very pronounced tendency (p = 0.00001) to be born on days when the sun and moon are in adjacent zodiacal signs.

The schizophrenia and the astrology

Article: "The planetary positions and relationships at the dates of birth of a cohort of Nigerian schizophrenics" published in Afr J Med Med Sci. 1997 Sep-Dec;26(3-4):127-33
by Ohaeri JU - Department of Psychiatry, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Some astrological hypotheses related to predisposition to severe mental illness were tested by analysing the zodiacal signs, the interactions between planetary qualities (aspects), and the occurrence of full and new moon dates, on the dates of birth of 221 schizophrenics, compared with 112 normal subjects.
The Sun signs of the schizophrenics were significantly more likely to be in the signs associated with introversion, while those of the control population were significantly more likely to be in the outgoing signs. A significantly higher proportion of schizophrenics had their Mars (i.e., symbol of aggressiveness) in the outgoing signs than the normal population. A significantly higher proportion of control subjects fulfilled operational criteria for adequacy of number of aspects between the sun and the other planets. The tendency for a higher proportion of schizophrenics to have "difficult" aspects just failed to reach significance. A significantly higher proportion of control subjects had aspects between the sun and mars; and also a significantly higher proportion of control subjects had "soft" (helpful) aspects between the Sun and Mars.
These findings are in keeping with the well-known oddity of schizophrenia (schiz = split; phren = mind); such that, a group which collectively is characterised by an "introverted" self (i.e. sun sign), has a coexisting aggressive tendency (i.e. strong Mars) and poor integration between the elements of the psyche and the self (i.e. inadequacy of aspects between Sun and other planets). However, the findings give only partial support to key astrological postulates because there was a non-significant trend for more schizophrenics to be born in "water" signs and on full moon dates.

Self-poisoning and the astrology

Article: "There are days ... and moons. Self-poisoning is not lunacy" published in Med J Aust. 1993 Dec 6-20;159(11-12):786-9
by Buckley NA, Whyte IM, Dawson AH - Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Newcastle, NSW.

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether there are significant circadian, weekly or lunar variations in self-poisoning presentations and whether patients' names or dates of birth have an influence on the likelihood of self-poisoning by analysing biorhythms, numerology and star sign.
SETTING: Hunter Valley, Australia.
SUBJECTS: Consecutive adult patients admitted with self-poisoning between January 1987 and June 1993.
RESULTS: There were 2215 patients admitted. There was a marked circadian variation. Over 6% of all admissions occurred in each of the hours between 6 p.m. and 1 a.m. compared with less than 2% per hour between 5 a.m. and 9 a.m. This pattern was not different for patients with a diagnosis of depression. Numerology, biorhythms and star signs had no significant correlations with self-poisoning, nor was there a significant weekly or yearly variation in presentations. There was a small but statistically significant sex difference in presentations analysed by lunar phases. At the new moon 60% of self-poisonings were in women, compared with 45% when the moon was full. The odds ratios (OR) for women to be admitted at full moon and at new moon were 1.27 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.92-1.66; P value not significant) and 0.73 (95% CI, 0.57-0.92; P = 0.009) respectively. The mean illumination of the moon at the time of overdose was 50.63% +/- 0.91% for men, compared with 47.45% +/- 0.85% for women (P = 0.014). CONCLUSION: The circadian cycle (but not weekly, yearly or mystical cycles) should be taken into account when determining staffing levels for poison information and casualty services. The full moon is protective for women.

Pisces and suicide ideation

Article: "Born under a bad sign? Astrological sign and suicide ideation" published in Percept Mot Skills. 1988 Apr;66(2):461-2
by Stack S, Lester D - Department of Sociology, Auburn University

This study tests the thesis that the internalization of the traits associated with astrological signs affects suicide ideation. Data are from a national sample (N = 7,508). Only the most negativistic sign of Pisces was significantly associated with suicide ideation.

Full Moon and developmentally delayed, institutionalized women

Article: "Effect of the full moon on a sample of developmentally delayed, institutionalized women" published in Percept Mot Skills. 1991 Jun;72(3 Pt 2):1375-80
by Hicks-Caskey WE, Potter DR - East Tennessee State University, Johnson City

Over 19 lunar months reports of all aggressive acting-out misbehaviors as recorded by direct-care staff were evaluated and recorded on a day-by-day basis for a randomly selected sample of 20 developmentally delayed women, CA 18 to 50; MA, 9 to 18 months. All had been in continuous residence in a residential treatment center for a minimum of 31 months. A grid representing the 24-hr. period of the full moon (a), the three days prior to the day of the full moon (b), the three days after the full moon (c), and the balance of the lunar period (d) was placed over the record. Comparisons using the Duncan multiple-range test indicated that the mean number of misbehaviors on the day of the full moon was significantly higher than the mean number on any other day of the lunar period (the next highest was for the three days prior to the day of the full moon).

Comment to the article above

Article: "Critical comment on Hicks-Caskey and Potter, 'Effect of the full moon on a sample of developmentally delayed, institutionalized women'" published in Percept Mot Skills. 1991 Jun;72(3 Pt 2):1375-80
by Flynn M - Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada

Hicks-Caskey and Potter (1991) claim to have found a "full moon effect" on women in a developmental center. Further, they suggest the discrepancies in findings on lunar effects can be accounted for by (i) a lack of equivalent operational definitions and (ii) a person selection factor. It is argued that the Hicks-Caskey and Potter findings are undermined by weekday, holiday, season, weather, particular staff-subject interactions, and expectancy effects. In addition, the proposed explanations for differing outcomes in lunar studies do not explain both the negative findings and conflicting positive findings.

Reply to the comment

Article: "Weekends and holidays and acting-out behavior of developmentally delayed women: a reply to Dr. Mark Flynn." published in Percept Mot Skills. 1992 Apr;74(2):344-6
by Hicks-Caskey WE, Potter DR - East Tennessee State University

A previous report on the effect of the day of the full moon on the acting-out behavior of 20 developmentally delayed, institutionalized women showed that on the day of the full moon there were significantly more misbehaviors than on any other day during the lunar period. The records were re-evaluated to assess the frequency of acting-out behaviors on weekends and holidays as contrasted with the balance of the month. This re-evaluation indicated there was no significant difference between the weekends and holidays and the balance of the month (t = 1.14). The results were taken as support of the previous findings that on the day of the full moon there were significantly more misbehaviors than on any other day of the lunar period.

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