Horary insights - On asking horary questions - the importance of background information · December 15, 2024, 10:30 GMT
Right now: Moon at 24°44' Gemini, Sun at 23°57' Sagittarius
Horary insights
On asking horary questions - the importance of background information
The common perspective on horary today is that takes just one question in order to cast a horary chart. The astrologer only needs to be sent one sentence ending with a question mark so that the horary art might start unfolding.
While this is correct in theory, it is proved wrong in practice.
Firstly because what the people ask is not always what they mean. In a recent example discussed on the forum on this website, an astrologer from Bosnia asked if she was going to travel to London next week (with the purpose of visiting a friend, for a few days), while what she really meant was if she was going to have problems during this travel with the immigration office, or even going to be sent back home.
This changes perspective. In the horary chart the Moon (her co-significator) is shown void-of-course in Pisces, separating from a trine with Jupiter (the greater benefic), ruler of the 2nd house (money, possessions) and making no further aspects in its current sign. Translating this in common language - she bought the ticket and then the story unfolds as it should without any incidents. In this case, the Moon is received/disposed by Jupiter, significator of the ticket, but also the greater benefic and natural ruler of travels abroad, who therefore makes sure that everything goes on just fine.
Secondly, people are seldom satisfied with a one-word answer. The variety of questions that can be asked and the range of different situations that arise on the same theme make necessary having background information on the question. This is needed in order for the astrologer to be able to deliver a targeted answer.
The horary chart is the astrological picture of the situation as a whole with a focus on the real question. Upon knowing the details of the situation, planetary significators reveal their true meanings, relating with the persons, events or situations inquired about or involved in the matter, offering therefore a correct and detailed perspective and allowing a more elaborate answer to be delivered to the client.
If you are familiar with astrology, the above ideas have surely already revealed you my Sun sign. Yes, I'm a Virgo, I like to complicate things, look for tiny details and tidbits of information in the chart and I kinda take pride of it. This is what John Frawley, the genius master of horary astrology (I admire him a lot), who teaches answering horary questions with just one planet, would never do. But then of course, he's a Taurus and this explains it.
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Sun in Sagittarius
Moon in Gemini
Mercury in Sagittarius
Venus in Aquarius
Mars in Leo
Jupiter in Gemini
Saturn in Pisces
Uranus in Taurus
Neptune in Pisces
Pluto in Aquarius
Next aspects of the Moon in Gemini
Moon square Neptune