Horary Astrology - sample delineation of a horary chart  ·  December 15, 2024, 10:55 GMT
Right now: Moon at 24°59' Gemini, Sun at 23°58' Sagittarius

Horary Astrology

Horary astrology chart delineation - "Will my son stop smoking?"

This is a clear horary astrology question, that requires no more information from the querent. The question was asked on February 21, 2000, at 12:57 AM CST, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA (40N48 96W40)

Here's the chart:

horary astrology

First, we definitively have to turn the chart in order to have the 5th house as the 1st, since the children are represented in the 5th.

So, with the turned chart we see: Mars in the Ascendant, and also Venus and Neptune in aspect (sextile) with that Ascendant - which amazingly describes the querent's son, who is a Libran, Pisces rising, Mars on the Ascendant. Mars is his ruler.

I see the Moon in son's 6th house - so the querent is interested in his son's health.

Habits are shown in the 2nd house, and there is Saturn, the great malefic - so : very bad habits.

2nd house ruler, Venus is conjunct Neptune (chemical addiction, self-distruction) in the 11th house of friends. So, the social group he adheres to, his friends, represent the main cause of this habit. And this is very common - I used to smoke also for social reasons.

Venus applies to Mars by sextile - so the habits are likely to go on. That's 1.

Now - let's see who tougher: querent's son or the smoking?

Mars - son's ruler - is in its own sign and face - that's good - the son is strong

But will he beat the habit?

Venus is not peregrine in Aquarius, but in its own face = smoking has its nice side - ...

Seems like Mars is going to win, but ... yet, Venus receives Mars in its term, while Mars does not dispose of Venus of any of its own essential dignities.

What does this tell us? The son is a brave and decided young man, yet he has not enough power on smoking - so he cannot quit. That's 2.

The Moon is void of course - so no action is to be taken in the future. The situation will go on as it is. Son will continue smoking. That's 3.

What else about the future? The second house from the habit's house will tell us more about the future evolution - that's son's 3rd house or radix' 7th house. There is Pars Fortunae in it - so we might hope to see some improvement here - but Part Fortunae is disposed by Mercury which will turn retrograde just the next day... So, son's gonna change his mind about quitting smoking. Even more, Pars Fortunae's opposition to Pluto, the planet of compulsion, tells us something about how hard it is to break habits. That's 4.

Also, there is Jupiter entering the 2nd house of habits. Jupiter is known as the great benefic, yet it is also the one the expands everything. In this case, there is no need for expansion. On the contrary, this is all about limiting a bad habit. Jupiter in Taurus is squaring the North Node - so actually the smoking is not likely to diminish, but to increase. That's 5.

Mercury was almost stationary on that day, going backwards the next day at the very same degree and minute, 17.10 Pisces in semisquare with son' 2nd house cusp - so his mind will likely say "what the heck? smoking is not that bad after all...". Mercury is in the 12th house of self-undoing, also of chronic diseases... That's 6.

The horary question's final result - the 4th house in Gemini - the same Mercury in its retrograde station, in detriment in Pisces, in the cadent 12th house - you can already guess: negative outcome. That's 7 and final.

So, 7 arguments shown by the chart in the same direction - he won't quit smoking. And the history confirmed it: he didn't.

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