Uranus & History of Science - Uranus in signs and the Scientific Discoveries  ·  December 15, 2024, 10:57 GMT
Right now: Moon at 25°00' Gemini, Sun at 23°58' Sagittarius

Uranus and the History of Science

Uranus in signs and the Scientific Discoveries

This article highlights the extraordinary importance of Uranus' position in signs and its association with the main scientific discoveries and theoretical advancements of the humankind along the history of science.

Uranus in Aries

Hydrogen discovery - Henry Cavendish - 1766
Energy conservation law: first law of thermodynamics - Joule  - 1843
Measurement of light's speed - Fizeau - 1849
First particle accelerator - 1928 - Wideroe

Uranus in Taurus

Static electricity - Gilbert - 1600
Chemical elements table - Mendeleev - 1687
Published the discoveries on terrestial and celestial mechanics (universal gravitation law)  - Isaac Newton - 1687
Animal electricity - Galvani - 1771
Mass conservation in chemical reactions - Lavoisier - 1772
Wavelength of light determines its color - Euler - 1768
Steam engine invention, the term �horsepower' - James Watt - 1769
Pendulum demonstration of the Earth's rotation -  Foucault - 1851
Earth's mass estimation - Airy - 1851
Space curving - Riemann - 1854
Nuclear fission - Enrico Fermi - 1934

Uranus in Gemini

Optical telescope - Lippershey - 1608, Galilei - 1609
Planetary motions law - Johannes Kepler - 1609
Existence of sex in flowering plants - Rudolph Jakob Camerarious - 1694
Origin and Progress of Language - James Burnett Monboddo - 1773-1776
Probability and statistics - Pierre Simon Laplace - 1774
Origin of Species and theory of evolution - Charles Darwin - 1859
Germ theory on infections - Louis Pasteur - 1862
Manhattan project - teleportation / invisibility - 1941
First electronic computer - 1945

Uranus in Cancer

Water synthesised from hydrogen and oxygen - Cavendish - 1781
Digestion is not merely chewing but is a chemical process - Spallanzani - 1783
Nature of crystals - Hauy - 1783
Inheritance laws, basis of genetics - Gregor Mendel - 1866
Genetic basis for intelligence - Francis Galton - 1869
Celluloid invention, first synthetic plastic - John Hyatt - 1869
Nucleic acids discovery - Johann Friedrich Miescher - 1871
Helical structure of the DNA, our genetic code - Crick and Watson - 1953
DNA discovery - Franklin - 1951

Uranus in Leo

Heliocentric theory: the earth orbits the sun - Copernicus - 1543
Comet observation and predictions - Halley - 1705
Thermometer construction - Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit - 1709
Photosynthesis - Jean Senebier - 1788
Heat diffusion - Hunt - 1788
Animal electricity - Luigi Galvani - 1791
Chemical energy converted into electrical energy - Volta - 1792
The oxidation occurs in tissues, not in the blood - Ludwig and Edward Pf�nger - 1872
Electromagnetism theory - Maxwell - 1873 -

Uranus in Virgo

Physiology: blood circulation - William Harvey - 1628
Water thermometer - Ray - 1632
Critics and corrections on Newton's work - Bernoulli, Berkeley - 1710
Energy conservation theory - Leibnitz - 1714
Mercury thermometer - Fahrenheit - 1714
Plant hybridisation - Thomas Fairchild - 1715
Population increases by a geometric ratio whereas the means of subsistence increase by an arithmetic ratio - Thomas Robert Malthus - 1798
More accurate determination of the speed of light - Albert Abraham Michelson - 1879
The term biology introduced - Karl Friedrich Burdach - 1800
Analysis of cell ionic metabolism - Sydney Ringer - 1880
Vectorial algebra - Gibbs - 1881

Uranus in Libra

Sound speed measurement - Mersenne - 1636
Existence of infrared and of radiant heat - Herschel - 1800
Theory of light and colours - Thomas Young - 1801
Ultraviolet rays - Ritter - 1801
Temperature - volume - pression equation - Gay-Lussac - 1802
Partial pressures law - Dalton - 1804
Introduction of the term 'subconscious' - Pierre Janet - 1886
First connection between two computers, birth of the internet - Leonard Kleinrock - 1969
Photoelectric effect - Hallwachs  - 1887

Uranus in Scorpio

Hydrodynamics - Torricelli - 1640
Electrical induction - Stephen Gray - 1729
Phosphorescence - Charles Fran�ois de Cisternay Dufay - 1730
Chemical atomic theory - Dalton - 1808
Molecular theory - Avogadro - 1811
Chemistry abbreviations, theories on chemistry - Berzelius - 1811
Mechanisms of oxidative damage in living cells - H. J. H. Fenton - 1894
X-rays discovery - Wilhelm Conrad R�ntgen - 1895
First enzyme discovery - Eduard Buchner  - 1896
Electron discovery - Thompson - 1896
Radioactivity discovery - Antoine Henri Becquerel  - 1896

Uranus in Sagittarius

Lymphatic system of the body - Thomas Bartholin - 1652
Blood pressure measuring - Hales - 1733
Principle of natural selection among human populations - W. C. Wells - 1818
Ether - Fresnel - 1818
Principles for deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphics - Jean Fran�ois Champollion - 1821
Chi-square statistical test development - Karl Pearson - 1900
Gamma radiation discovery - Rutherford - 1900
Conditioned responses theory - Ivan Pavlov - 1902

Uranus in Capricorn

Discovery of Titan, Saturn's largest moon - Christiaan Huygens - 1655
Earth development in time - Buffon - 1744
First electric engine - Faraday - 1821
Isomorphic crystal forms - Eilhard Mitscherlich - 1822
Steam-powered freight and passenger service in England - 1825
Electric resistance's law - Ohm - 1827
Mass-energy formula - Albert Einstein - 1905
Senile degeneration description - Alois Alzheimer - 1907
Geometric unification of space and time - Minkowski - 1908

Uranus in Aquarius

Observation of blood movement through capillaries - Marcello Malpighi - 1661
Ideal gases law - Boyle - 1662
Anatomical studies on the brain, primacy to the cerebral cortex  - Thomas Willis - 1664
Diffraction of light - Francesco Maria Grimaldi - 1665
Knowledge comes from the senses theory - �tienne Bonnet de Condillac - 1746
Capacitor invention, experiments on electric current - Andreas Cunaeus - 1746
Tiny deviations in the Earth's axis caused by the pull of the Moon - Bradley - 1748
Magnetic induction - Michell - 1750
Description of the Via Lactea, or Milky Way, Multiplicity of Worlds theory - Thomas Wright - 1750
Experiments and Observations on Electricity - Benjamin Franklin - 1751
Electromagnetic induction - Faraday - 1831
Electric telegraph invention - Gauss - 1833
Entropy - Clapeyron - 1834
Programmable mechanical calculating machine - Charles Babbage - 1834
Model of atom, quantum theory - Niels Bohr - 1913
General relativity theory - Albert Einstein  -1915
Isotopes discovery - Aston - 1919
Internet Era - since 1996

Uranus in Pisces

All objects fall with the same speed - Galileo Galilei - 1589
Differential calculus - Leibnitz - 1675
Classification of plants in terms of genera and species - Carl Linn� - 1753
Definition of the term infinitesimal - D'Alembert - 1754
Analogies between electricity and magnetism - Franz Ulrich Theodosius Aepinus - 1756
Latent heat - Black - 1757
"The ancient precept, 'Know thyself,' and the modern precept, 'Study nature,' become at last one maxim" - Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1837
First photographic process - Louis Jacques Mand� Daguerre - 1839
Analytic transformations development, the basis of Boolean algebra - George Boole - 1839
Doppler effect - Doppler - 1842
Hypnotic condition must be learned by the subject - Pierre Janet - 1919
Autonomic nervous system - Langley - 1921
Unified theory of electromagnetism and gravity - Louis de Broglie
Pauli exclusion principle - Wolfgang Pauli - 1924
Quantum mechanics - Schrodinger and Heisenberg - 1926, 1927
Big Bang theory on the beginnings of the Universe - Georges Lemaitre - 1927

Other considerations

There is a strong correlation between Uranus' position in the astrological signs and the hsitory of science, the researchers are more drawn to investigate and publish their discoveries in fields clearly related with the astrological keywords associated with the zodiacal sign of transiting Uranus.

This is a great confirmation of the astrology's influence and it also gives us a better overall understanding of the history of science.

Uranus is back in Pisces now. This means we should expect in the next few years scientific discoveries and advancements that will ultimately lead to a united conception on the natural forces knwon so far and also to a heightened awareness of the influence of the so-called spiritual forces.

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